YMCA executive director to retire
Published 10:30 am Monday, February 6, 2012
YMCA Executive Director Mark Bjorlie announced in an email to Y-members Friday his retirement at the end of May.
“I have truly enjoyed my 34-year career with the Y and I have greatly appreciated the excellent support my family, the board, staff, and you have given me as I served as Executive Director in Austin the past 15 years,” he wrote.
Bjorlie said in an interview Friday he made the decision to retire because he was able to do so at this point in his life, while he was still young. In addition, Bjorlie said the YMCA administration and Board of Directors had been seriously contemplating a campaign for a Y expansion, or even a brand new facility, within two years and he did not want his retirement to overshadow the eventual campaign.
“I’m glad that I am able to retire while I still can and be healthy,” he said.
Bjorlie wrote to members that the vacancy had been publicly communicated since Jan. 18 and a selection committee hopes to have a new executive director serving by May 14.